Grudge Match: Will Vs. Fear

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Grudge Match: Will Vs. Fear



“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.”

Rosa Parks

 will vs. fear

Making up one’s mind, being determined, the act of exercising diligent purposefulness, utilizing the mental toughness tool by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action; call it whatever name you want to, it all boils down to the human will.  It has been my observation that weak-willed people usually are living in fear.

The determined among us, usually seem to rise to the top and take the lion’s share, or at least get what they want.  My youngest son loves chewing gum.  When he was about three years old, he came into the living room and asked his mother and me, “Can I have some gum?” We answered, “No.”

Again, “Can I have some gum?”


“Can I have some gum?”


“I’ll take that as a yes, thanks,” and he proceeded to get some gum, he didn’t care what the consequences might or might not be.  To this day he demonstrates an iron-clad will, if he wants to do something, he just does it.  If he doesn’t want to do something, he doesn’t do it, no matter what.  He has no fear of fallout or consequences once he has made up his mind.

His challenge is to point his will in the right direction, i.e. most productive and profitable behaviors.  This is a good problem to have, as a large portion of the population have no will, no determination, and no diligent purposefulness.  I’d rather have a little wild fire than no fire at all.

Ask yourself, “Do I have any fire in my belly?” If it’s a no, you will most likely be paralyzed by fear and live life like a china doll, continually waiting for the other shoe to drop and smash you to bits.  If going for your ultimate dream is too daunting, at least give the chewing gum a smack down.

Boo yah!

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