Prepare to Win

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Prepare to Win



“It’s not the will to win that matters – everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.”

Bear Bryant

 Bear Bryant

Prep time.  10,000 rounds on target.  Practice until you can’t get it wrong.  Repetition after repetition.  Follow the process, over and over, two-a-day workouts.  Day after day, hour after hour.  Getting tired yet? Hold your head up and straighten your shoulders.  More conditioning, more training, more dry-fire drills, more snapping in.  Take a knee, face outboard and drink water.  Sore? Rub some dirt on it, and get back at it.

After about three weeks of that, you start to think you are exhausted.  Don’t! You have the will to prepare to win.  You are just getting started, just warming up.  When the majority of folks call it a day and head for the couch, you stay at it.  The price of winning is not negotiable.  Those who try to become a champion by paying the employee discount price, don’t become a champion.

Most folks don’t have the drive, the will, or the commitment to complete prep time.  No high level performer has ever skipped it.  No great musician, no artist, actor, athlete, sports announcer, news anchor, radio personality, top sales rep, CEO, sniper, spec ops warrior, 5-star chef, or an elected head of state, reached the pinnacle of their field by heading for the sofa and playing video games.

Don’t be impressed at someone’s success, be impressed by the amount of work they put in, during prep time, to reach that success.  It takes hours to prepare a holiday meal, and minutes to eat it.  It takes Olympic sprinters years upon years of training for an event that lasts less than 10 seconds.  MMA fighters train incessantly for three 5-minute rounds, and decades of preparation goes into a successful presidential campaign.

When preparation is done right, winning is just a by-product.

Boo Yah!!

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