Are You A One-Hit Wonderer?
“Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive.” Andy Grove I’ve seen so many folks realize some success, start to enjoy the comforts of it, become complacent and begin a downward spiral. I’ve seen it with people…
Inconsistently Consistent?
“To be a consistent winner means preparing not just one day, one month or even one year – but for a lifetime.” Bill Rodgers – Marathon Man One of the saddest things to witness as a coach, is seeing a…
80% of Performance Isn’t Trained For By Most My business partner, Steve Siebold, is one of the world’s leading Mental Toughness Coaches. In the past two decades, during the course of his work with Fortune 500 sales teams, he has surveyed the top executives of those companies….
14 Secrets of Peak Performance
These secrets are right out of the Marine Corps manual. If you want to achieve Peak Performance, start here. The Corps has produced some of the best Mental Toughness coaches in the history of the world. (And these coaches demand…
6 Conditions of a Peak Performer
The 6 Conditions of a Peak Performer, actually the voice of the REAL YOU, a GOOD Conscience. We’ve been exploring the idea of your spirit (the REAL YOU, the user/administrator) dominating your body (flesh) and your soul (mind, will and…
The Success Secret of Ancient Olympic Peak Performers
The ancient Greek Olympians were some of the first Peak Performers, blazing the trail for each of us who utilize their Mental Toughness Techniques. They understood that they were a 3 Part Being (See DeFrag Yourself). These ancient…
2 Types of Conscience
We’ve been exploring the idea of your spirit (the REAL YOU, the user/administrator) dominating your body (flesh) and your soul (mind, will and emotions). (See the blog post: DeFrag Yourself: The 3 Parts of You). In order for the…
What Are Your 3 Most Valued Sources?
We’ve been exploring the idea of your spirit (the REAL YOU, the user/administrator) dominating your body (flesh) and your soul (mind and emotions). (See the blog post: DeFrag Yourself: The 3 Parts of You). In order for the REAL…
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