Quit Crying! Just Dominate
If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!“…You just dominate.” Al Davis – legendary owner of the Oakland Raiders Dominate means to have control of or power over (someone or something). This…
Don’t Mistake Meekness for Weakness
The Greek historian, Plutarch, was the first to put pen to paper, in the recording of the ancient Spartan warrior society. He used the word “praotes” in his writings, from which we get the word “meekness”. The modern usage…
The Best Investment
“Goodwill is the only asset that competition cannot undersell or destroy.” Marshall Field We’ve all been in a position, whether at work, on the field of play, or at a social event where we witnessed someone on the receiving end…
Fortress of Solitude
“The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil.” Thomas Edison When you are in the heat of battle, on the field of play, or in the midst of executing a business meeting,…
Identify Yourself
“Your identity and your success go hand in hand.” Lila Swell Who are you and who do you want to be? Your identity and image of yourself, your self-belief in who you truly are, these are what dictate your…
The 3-Minute Drill
“To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.” Muhammad Ali Selena Gomez has a song called Like a Champion, which starts with the chant, “Walk like a champion, talk…
Rudolph’s Nose
“I am, as I’ve said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.” Billy Joel I’m more of an Elton John guy than Billy Joel, but that’s merely an opinion. What is a fact, that…
Die Fat or Get Tough II
My business partner and mentor, Steve Siebold, in his column in the Iowa City Press-Citizen, says exactly that, “Die fat or get tough.” Siebold says, “Health and fitness must be earned the old-fashioned way, through hard work, discipline and willpower.”…
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