Play Like A Gladiator
If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!“When I’m on the court, I picture myself as like a gladiator.” Tyson Chandler In the past, I have had the privilege to coach…
Avoid The “Don’ts”
“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” Peace Pilgrim The past few weeks, I have really paid attention to how I phrase things. I have found that more times than not,…
Go Ahead, Hit Me
“I can’t teach someone how to take a punch. That’s about internal fortitude, you have it or you don’t.” Mike Tyson Fortitude is the mental strength and courage that allows one to face pain, danger, adversity, difficulties, and even…
Render Unto Caesar
“Giving credit where credit is due is a very rewarding habit to form. Its rewards are inestimable.” Loretta Young Part of my execution formula is that “I am in the driver seat”. In other words, I am the Caesar of…
Big Fish – Big Pond
“A noble man compares and estimates himself by an idea which is higher than himself; and a mean man, by one lower than himself. The one produces aspiration; the other ambition…” Marcus Aurelius I was asked once, “Would you…
5 Myths About Money
My business partner and mentor, Steve Siebold, is interviewed (along several other money gurus) for FOX Business, taking apart 5 myths about money, that us “regular folk” have bought into. CLICK HERE to read the article by Marcia Passos Duffy….
In Hot Pursuit
“We will be relentless in our pursuit for perfection. We won’t ever be perfect – but in the process we will achieve greatness.” Vince Lombardi All the great ones, in the history of mankind, have engaged in the relentless…
There Is an “I” in WIN
“When you get everyone going in the same direction as a football team, that’s when you’re dangerous. That’s when everyone believes in one another and everyone’s cheering for one another and everyone’s depending on one another and everyone’s coming through…
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