Render Unto Caesar

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Render Unto Caesar



“Giving credit where credit is due is a very rewarding habit to form. Its rewards are inestimable.”

Loretta Young


Part of my execution formula is that “I am in the driver seat”.  In other words, I am the Caesar of my life.  This removes all excuses, if I am experiencing a problem – I am the problem.  I am also the solution to any and all problems I experience, as well.  From the desk of President Truman, “The buck stops here.”

Over the years of coaching folks, I have come across more than a few perfectionist type personalities, (my former self included).  Of course, it is these Type-A personalities that gravitate toward the elite levels of business, athletics, and the ranks of professional warriors.

The downside to being a perfectionist, is that when you actually do something perfectly, you chalk it up to merely meeting your personal expectations.  When you do something very well, but maybe not perfectly, you rebuke yourself for not meeting your personal expectations. If you think you didn’t do well at all, you castigate yourself.  The problem here is that you never end up being happy with your performance or giving yourself credit for working hard.  It’s a downward spiral into a life of disappointment, eventually leading to disengagement and fatigue.

The solution is to always render unto Caesar, his or her due.  Give yourself credit for working hard, when you work hard.  Give yourself a mental pat on the back when you perform well, but not quite perfectly.  And when that moment comes that you perform perfectly, congratulate Caesar on a job well done.  You don’t have to make a show of it, but at least down on the inside give yourself some credit.  This creates an upward spiral of encouragement to continue striving to achieve set goals, and the drive to reach for new ones.

Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar – credit for hard work and job well done.

Boo Yah!

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