Don Yaeger on scoring on Michael Jordan
If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!My business partner and member of my mentor team, Don Yaeger, ALWAYS tells about the time he beat Michael Jordan, in one-on-one. Hearing Don…
10 Ways to Build Your Armor
“Resilience is better understood as the opportunity and capacity of individuals to navigate their way to psychological, social, cultural, and physical resources that may sustain their well-being.” Michael Ungar Resilience is a process, not a character or personality trait….
Raise Your Hand If You’re Sure
Critical Thinking Word of the Day: Conviction Conviction means absolute certainty, to be sure, to be confident, to have no doubt. As, I have said before, I always like to look at the flip side of the coin, or the…
Rambo’s Knife
The knife that John Rambo used in all those movies, is beyond just cool looking. It’s more than just a handy piece of gear. It is his go to utility tool. That thing saws trees, has a compass in…
NO! Not Tomorrow!
“The great ones’ habits, actions and behaviors are totally congruent with the size and scope of their ultimate vision. That’s why we call them champions.” Steve Siebold Every morning is a chance to get it right; a piping hot, steaming…
What Have You Done Lately?
“Success is never final and failure never fatal.” Winston Churchill So much of the time, we rest on the successes we’ve had in the past, or we are paralyzed by what we deem failures. During training evolutions for high-threat diplomatic…
Diligence, It’s What’s For Dinner
“Diligence is the mother of good luck.” Benjamin Franklin Diligence means attentive and persistent in doing a thing, steadily applied, active, unremitting, untiring, constancy of effort, speed and earnestness, and being meticulous. I always like to look at the flip…
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