NO! Not Tomorrow!

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NO! Not Tomorrow!



“The great ones’ habits, actions and behaviors are totally congruent with the size and scope of their ultimate vision. That’s why we call them champions.”

Steve Siebold

Not Tomorrow

Every morning is a chance to get it right; a piping hot, steaming mug of Clean Slate.  If your habits, actions and behaviors, yesterday didn’t match up with your goals and vision, start in on it today.  (Of course, if you have no goals or vision, your habits, actions and behaviors are probably matching up just fine, so skip the rest of this.)

If you have goals and a vision, write them down.  (If your goals and vision aren’t written down, you don’t really have goals, nor a vision, so skip the rest of this.)

The first habit match up is this, write down what you want to accomplish.  Be it short term, like losing weight in the next 90 days, or long-term financial retirement/independence, or anything in between, (like our plans for the back deck/patio).

Once things are on paper (or scribed out digitally), you need to do a process of things to make it happen.  This process consists of your habits, actions and behaviors.  If you want to lose 40 pounds in the next 90 days, that soda and snack habit, must be turned into water and veggies, for example.  If you want to get out of debt, you have to create habits that generate more income, and control the spending that goes with that “Double Mocha-chino with Carmel drizzled on top of the whipped cream” habit.

If you blew it yesterday, start over today, and don’t wait until tomorrow.  Studies show that if you stack a few of those “wait until tomorrow” days, habits are forming.  As my oldest son used to say, when he was 2 years old, and demanding a Happy Meal, “NO! NOT TOMORROW! TODAY!!”

Do your habits match up to end results you want?

If not, adjust those suckers, right now.  (No! Not Tomorrow!)

Boo yah!!

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