Cynicism is Cowardice

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Cynicism is Cowardice



Cynicism is the coward’s defense against future disappointment.  That statement may seem a little harsh or edgy, but it is the truth.

 cynicism is cowardice

Sarcasm, disparagement, derision, scorn, disdain, ridicule, and mockery are the language of the person who views life from a framework of fear and scarcity.   It’s cowardly to ridicule and mock, and easy to hide behind sarcasm and to take shots and make wise cracks.  The folks who deride those who are striving for a better life, are the same ones who are first in line, with their hand out, when those they mocked have achieved their dream.

I saw an ad for a new show coming out this fall, the main character says, “When opportunity knocks, ask for two forms of I.D., because it’s usually just trouble in disguise.”  WOW! The language of cynicism and cowardice.  Afraid and fearful of opportunities because you may be disappointed? That line of thinking won’t help you.  If you agreed with that character’s sentiment or found it funny, it might be time for an honest assessment.

I get it, we’ve all been disappointed. We’ve all, either been taken advantage of, or know someone that has.  That happens in life, and will always happen, but am I going to resign myself a mediocre life because there are unscrupulous people out there? Am I going to hide behind a wall of cynicism, and scoff at the infinite opportunities out there? Are you?

Definitely do your due diligence, do your research, look at an opportunity with objective reality.  Don’t sneer at an opportunity until you do though.  Have the courage, and yes, the guts, to come out from behind the fortress of fear long enough to evaluate an opportunity.

Find one (they are literally everywhere), and go to work.

Boo Yah!

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