Begin to Do

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Begin to Do



“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” 

 Walt Disney 

Walt Disney

Enough with the talking already! I’m over it.  My mentor’s mentor, Bill Gove, used to say, “It’s easier to act your way into good thinking, than to think your way into good action.” Take that a step further, it’s easier to act your way into success, than it is to just sit around and talk about how great it’ll be when “it all comes together……someday”.

I’m all about making plans, discussing the plans, shooting holes in those plans and making them better.  However, I’m more interested in the execution phase of said plan.  I’m a trigger-puller.  Is my execution of the plan ever perfect? NO! NEVER! Not one man-made plan, in the history of our species, has ever been executed perfectly.  Stuff happens….to everybody.  So, stop talking about all the things that could go wrong.  It most likely will, so what?

You have the ability to handle anything that life throws your way.  Read that again, out loud.  Here, I’ll help: “I have the ability to handle anything that life throws my way.”

The human being is amazing, and throughout history, nothing that we humans have begun to do, has ever been withheld from our achievement, unless we stop pursuing it.  There is absolutely no question in my mind that cancer will be cured, and warp speed will be achieved.  It’s only a matter of time.  A few short years ago, when I was growing up, hot chocolate took forever to make, and us kiddies had to be the TV remote for our Dad.  Now my phone talks to me, tells me where to grab a Starbucks, and, oh, by the way, it’s also my TV remote.  This happened because people stopped talking about Star Trek gadgets and began making them.

I’m a gun-slinger, Captain, not a starship engineer; but the laws governing success work in any endeavor in life.  I’m going take the word of some guy, who drew cartoons, but had a vision. You might of heard of him, Walt Disney.

Boo Yah!

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