Bet on Yourself

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Bet on Yourself



“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” 

 Farrah Gray 

 Bet on Yourself


I don’t want to even begin to tell you how many years of my life, how much of my mental energy and focus, how many hours of my diligence, has been spent on making other people rich, and building someone else’s dream.  Why? Was I lazy? No, quite the opposite.  I have a work ethic that is off the charts.

I built someone else’s dream, simply because, I didn’t believe I could build my own.  So, I settled for what “life” handed me, and tried to make lemonade out of lemons.  Adding sugar to sweeten up something sour, only masks what’s sour.

No matter how many spoonfuls of sugar I added to the mix, the base was still sour lemons.  I had to dump out the pitcher and go pick some sweeter fruit.  I had to change my belief that, “I just couldn’t accomplish my dream because I had responsibilities”.  I had a wife and kids, bills to pay, food, shelter, and clothes to provide.  Oh yeah, and I needed those all important “benefits”, that come with a good job.

The real reason was, I didn’t believe enough in myself to take the risk of flying without a parachute, to risk walking the high-wire without a harness and safety net.  I wouldn’t bet on myself, because I wasn’t sure I would succeed.  So, I settled for no risk, and making someone else rich, and guaranteeing I wouldn’t succeed.  People that weren’t any smarter than I am, no more talented, no more disciplined, the only difference….they bet on themselves and took the risk.

Once I realized that by NOT betting on myself, I was actually betting AGAINST myself, and robbing my wife and kids of a great future and a great life, I went to work on changing my belief about myself, and in myself.  Was it scary? YUP! And guess what, it still is, on most days. But it’s the most exciting and exhilarating experience of my life.

Once you start betting on yourself, you start to win because losing isn’t an option.  Once you start winning, you can NEVER go back hiring yourself out to build someone else’s dream, EVER!

Bet on YOUSELF and go to work building your own dream!

Boo Yah!!

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