Gamble on YOU

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Gamble on YOU



“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’”

Muhammad Ali

 Bet on You

It certainly will be easier for you if love doing the training and preparation, but you can hate it and still become a champion.  If a guy as widely recognized as one of the great ones, hated every minute of training and still pulled it off (in a big way and then some), so can you and I.

I try to enjoy the process of becoming a great one, but the honest truth about it is, there are some things I hate doing.  I mean REALLY HATE doing, but I hate being mediocre even more.  I hate not producing the results of a champion, when I know I can.  Sadly, many of us will never become a champion, let alone live the rest of our lives as one, simply because we won’t do the process, the training, and the prep work it takes to get there.

This is why I require every one of my clients to have a vision of what the end goal is, without it, I refuse to coach them.  I’ve tried to coach folks without a vision in the past, because I can see greatness in them, only to watch them crash hard, and never try again.  If you don’t know what you are fighting for, (because make no mistake, it is a fight and a tough one), you will quit.  If there is no “WHY”, quitting is only a matter of time.

The pain of training is nothing compared to the pain of regret.  I’ve tried and failed so many times, and each time I hit the canvas hurts worse than the time before, but I will suffer now, and live the rest of my life as a champion.  I wouldn’t bet against me, in fact, I’ve bet it all on me, and my ability to become a champion. I’ve bet the house, the savings, the retirement, the health insurance, the future, the family’s future…everything.  I’m all in, nothing withheld. There is no question, if I quit, it will be disastrous to my family. THEREFORE, I WILL NOT QUIT!

How much are you willing to bet on yourself? Would you even bet on yourself? If not, if there are no stakes, you will never push through the pain of training, and never become a champion, let alone live the rest of your life as one.


Boo Yah!

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