Go Build Something

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Go Build Something



“Our species is the only creative species, and it has only one creative instrument, the individual mind and spirit of man.” 

John Steinbeck

 Go Build Something


I’ve come to realize that we as humans must be creating or building something in our lives to be truly happy and content.  To reach Peak Performance we must exercise our creative instrument, our mind and spirit.  If you allow this instrument to lie dormant for too long, you may find yourself frustrated with your life.  If this downward cycle continues, your frustration can lead to bitterness, but most often I’ve seen it turn folks numb, comfortably numb (to quote a song lyric).  Peak Performers know this to be true, which is why executives have added this question, when interviewing potential candidates for a job, “Do you have any hobbies?”   Ask yourself, “What are my hobbies? Are they exercising my creative instrument? Do I have an outlet to express myself and my innate talents and gifts?”

I’m not suggesting you take up pottery, if you don’t like that sort of thing, or start writing poems, or painting.  You can, if that’s your bag, but maybe tinkering in the backyard tool shed/workshop is more your speed.  Maybe it’s cooking, web page design, creating video games, landscape design, woodworking, starting a golf league for little kids (my business partner did this one).  I write a newsletter, this blog, and teach Mental Toughness.  I have some relatives that write music, and others that are building businesses.  It doesn’t have to be a hobby, use your mind and spirit to create wealth, or cure cancer, or invent the perpetual battery, or whatever your heart stirs you up to do.  Don’t let your creative instrument just sit there in the back corner of the closet of your mind, go create or build something!

PS. You might have to turn off the TV….I’m just saying.

Boo Yah!!

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