“The Spirit is Willing But The Flesh is Weak!”

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“The Spirit is Willing But The Flesh is Weak!”



Last week, I heard someone say this just before they shoved a Little Debbie Cake into their mouth (it’s like a Twinkie or Tastyspirit is willing Peak PerformanceCake for those not from the South).


It got me to thinking that almost every single time in my life I’ve heard someone say this, it was always an excuse for cheating on their diet, or not exercising, or drinking too much the night before, etc.  What a CROCK! What this statement actually means is that the body (our flesh) is the easiest (weakest) part of our being to dominate.  (Read the blog post “DeFrag Yourself: The 3 Parts of You“).


Our spirit (the REAL YOU, the user/administrator) is willing to take control of the weak flesh and direct it to do the things is doesn’t want to do but are good for it. (You know like NOT SHOVE THE TWINKIE INTO YOUR MOUTH!)  Deep down, we all know what is and is not good for our bodies.  Remember, the next time your body is about to cheat on your nutrition plan, “Your spirit is WILLING and your body is WEAK, so DON’T cave to the weakest part of your being.


If you’ve been a reader of this blog for any amount of time you will notice I use a lot of “weight loss/diet/exercise” type of examples to illustrate my Peak Performance through Mental Toughness lessons.  The reason I do that is because the body is the weakest part of ourselves, and if we can’t control and dominate our bodies, we have no shot at dominating our souls (mind, will and emotions).


If you are being controlled by your body, you will NEVER achieve long-term success, let alone reach Peak Performance.  Sign up for the Newsletter and begin to cultivate your willing spirit and dominate that weak flesh.


Boo Yah!!

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