A Week of Excellence: FAMILY
If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!This week, we are striving for excellence. Today, we are concentrating on Excellence as it relates to our relationships, especially our family relationships (which I’ve…
A Week of Excellence: CAREER
This week, we are striving for excellence. Today, we are concentrating on Excellence as it relates to our business or career. “The kind of people I look for to fill top management spots are the eager beavers, the…
A Week of Excellence: DAY 1
This week, let’s strive for excellence. This is too big an undertaking to concentrate on being excellent in every area of our lives, so let’s pick one area each day this week. Today we will define excellence and set out…
Your Continued Response Dictates Your Outcome
Yesterday, we began looking at the case of a past coaching client of mine, who faced devastating news. We took particular notice of what his initial response was to the shock. Remember, your initial response sets the course of action…
Do You Use Critical Thinking? If Not, What’s It Costing You?
Are you a critical thinker? A better question might be, what is critical thinking? Critical thinking is logic based reasoning, which separates out all the emotion during problem solving. Let me put in another way, take a look at all…
Is Your IQ What’s Keeping From Getting Wealthy?
Last week, my business partner, Steve Siebold, was asked this question during an interview with the Wall Street Journal, debating a professor from Duke University’s study that asserts only those really smart people that take tests well and go to…
It’s Character, Not Reputation
Yesterday, we looked at keeping our word. This goes directly to our character. It’s all about character, with character being who you are when you are alone, with nobody else looking. Your reputation is the image that you present or…
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