Do It Like A Boss!!

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Do It Like A Boss!!



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My wife and I have a very close friend, and a member of our inner circle. She is one the most mentally tough people on planet earth.  I don’t say this lightly, I’m from the Warrior Culture, and my rolodex is stocked full of mentally tough folks.  She has coined, what I call a “Mental Toughness Catch Phrase”.  She says, “DO IT LIKE A BOSS!”  My entire family has taken up this mantra whenever we need a dose of Mental Toughness to increase our level of performance.

 Do it like a Boss


The other day, my 9 year daughter, (who told my wife, that she wants to be like our friend when she grows up), was at tumbling/gymnastics.  She was having some performance issues, and her instructors were having a difficult time coaching her through it.  During a break, she came over for some water, and my wife told, “Just do it like a Boss!”

She went back onto the floor and raised her game and started crushing it.  The coaches weren’t sure what sparked the change, but they went with it.  As the practice session wrapped up, we asked our daughter what made the difference in her performance and she said, “I just kept saying in my head, “DO IT LIKE A BOSS!”

So this week, if you find your focus blurring, or your self-discipline getting a little loose, or your cutting edge getting dull, get back out on the mats and DO IT LIKE A BOSS!!

Boo Yah!

PS. This why it is so very important to guard your inner circle like it’s a Federal Reserve gold depository.  Mentally tough people help us raise our game to Peak Performance. Unfortunately, the opposite is true as well.

One Comment so far:

  1. […] in themselves.  I try hard not to be disappointed when a client is on the verge of crushing it “like a BOSS”, only to watch them shrink back at the moment of truth.  I don’t judge them, I’ve been […]

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