Do You Allow Others To Manipulate You With Guilt? Peak Performers Don’t

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Do You Allow Others To Manipulate You With Guilt? Peak Performers Don’t



We are looking at the 6 conditions of the conscience, your co-perceiver (Ancient Olympian’s 6th Sense), and today we start off with a PURE conscience.


Pure Conscience Peak Performance

“PURE” in this case means clean, clear; to prune so as to bear fruit; purified by fire; sincere, genuine, free from every admixture of what is false, free from guilt.


Wow! That would take an entire book to break down each of those.  We won’t do that today, let’s just look at two combined.  If we just prune away guilt our performance levels will rise significantly.  The benefit of listening to the REAL YOU, your Ancient Olympic 6th Sense, the voice of the Peak Performer inside of you, is that you are NOT moved by guilt.


People love to use guilt, they don’t even realize they are doing it.  They got it honestly.  Mom’s love to use guilt.  Ever go home during a family gathering and eat the cakes, pies, and cookies your Mom fixed for you, not because you wanted it but because she gave you the “but I made it just for you.”  “It’s your favorite.” “You’re too skinny.” “You don’t like my cooking anymore?” “Nothing I do is good enough for you.” etc, etc, so on and so forth?  And so, we can’t stand the guilt, especially Mom guilt, and blow our diet.


Most of those who I coach are driven much more by guilt than they think. I’m not saying to go around making folks mad just for kicks, but if somebody uses the pressure of them being upset at you if you don’t do what they want…..that’s a NO, if you ever want to be a Peak Performer.  I don’t cave to peer pressure, Mom pressure, spouse pressure, guilt trips from my boss, my religious leaders, my teachers, my coaches.  If your relationship with someone is harmed because you stop caving to their pressure, you might want to re-evaluate that relationship.


Remember “prune so as to bear fruit”? To reach Peak Performance, we have to be mentally tough enough to trim away the pressures of guilt and begin to respond to the Olympian inside, not the manipulators outside.  If you are letting yourself by moved to action based on a guilt trip you are giving up your position as the Administrator of your life.  Sign up for the newsletter .

Boo yah!!

One Comment so far:

  1. Then get ready for your co-workers to conspire against you.
    But stay pure at heart, ride out their scorn and persecution, stay respectful toward them and it will pass. (even if it’s cause you got fired) But, you’ll be stronger and more mature Spiritually.
    I Tim. 3:11
    Phil 4:9
    Mat. 5:8

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