14 Secrets of Peak Performance

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14 Secrets of Peak Performance



These secrets are right out of the Marine Corps manual.  If you want to achieve Peak Performance, start here.  The Corps has produced some of the best Mental Toughness coaches in the history of the world.  (And these coaches demand Peak Performance! I can still hear my Drill Instructor’s voice in my head, even after 29 years. Hah!) 


1. Justice: being fair and consistent.


Secrets of Peak Performance

2. Judgment: thinking about things clearly and the filter to make sound decisions.


3. Dependability: the ability to be relied upon.


4. Initiative: taking action and getting things done.


5. Decisiveness: the ability to make good decisions and quickly.


6. Integrity: being honest and truthful, even when no one is looking.


7. Enthusiasm: a sincere effort with genuine energy.


8. Bearing: carrying yourself confidently.


9. Unselfishness: putting others’ needs above your own.


10. Courage:  stand up for what is right and accept responsibility for your choices.


11. Knowledge: understanding the business at hand and understanding people.


12. Loyalty: being devoted to your team, your organization and your mutual goals.


13. Endurance: the stamina to overcome adversity and show this by example to others.


14. Tact: dealing with people in a way that fosters good relations.


We can’t work on all of these at once.  Go through the list one by one, each day working on a new one.  In two weeks, start the process over again and you’ll soon find your level of performance rising.


Boo yah!!

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