Earth Suit

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Earth Suit



Most of us take real good care of our favorite jeans (you know, the ones people say you look great in).  We are careful not to spill bleach on them, wash them on delicate (so the bedazzled sparkly things on the butt don’t come off), and  hang them in the shower to dry so they don’t shrink in the dryer.  For others of us, it’s our favorite player’s jersey, or favorite team’s sweatshirt.  Either way, the majority of us, take better care of our clothes, than we do our Earth Suit, our body.

Earth Suit

The body isn’t the real you, it’s only the thing that allows you to be on planet Earth, the same way the astronauts need a space suit to be in space.  Without being suited up, we cannot be on the playing field (Earth), and in the game (living our lives).  During the game of life, we each will take unintentional hits on the suit, causing it to wear down. That’s part of the game, but most of us damage the suit on our own.

I’m not going to list the things we do to self-damage our suits.  We each know not to do the bad check list (don’t drink, smoke or chew).  What most of us don’t know to do, are the things to extend the life and performance of the suit.  What if you wore your favorite jeans every day, and were just careful not ruin them, but never washed them, ever? Ridiculous, you say? Exactly! It’s not enough to not spill bleach on the jeans, you still have to launder them.

People do ask me to set them up on a “work-out” program, but you can’t out train a bad diet.  Not smoking and not drinking, isn’t enough.  Good nutrition is over 80% of keeping your Earth Suit in it’s best condition, especially for the long-term.  Lean grass-fed proteins (not those chicken breasts that are on more steroids than professional wrestlers), fibrous carbs (that’s veggies, not grains), and healthy fats (not from farmed salmon, also on steroids).  Every meal.  Every day. Consistently.  Working out comes after good nutrition, not instead of good nutrition, or before good nutrition.  Working out without the right nutrition is only wearing down your Earth Suit.  Good nutrition is cheaper than paying the medical community to try to patch a worn out and damaged Earth Suit.

Once your Earth Suit wears out, you have to leave the planet.  Ask yourself, on a scale of 1-7 (7 being the best), what level of care am I giving to my Earth Suit, on a daily basis? (Hint: Start with what you put into to your body for breakfast, and chicken-minis are NOT even a 3, and bacon is a -3, I’m just saying).

Boo Yah!

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