Grow or Go

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Grow or Go



“If it doesn’t help you grow, it has to go.” 

Ashley Alvarez

 Comfort Zone


I use this statement as part of my decision making matrix.  I honestly assess everything in my life on a continuing basis.  Sometimes monthly, sometimes quarterly, but at the very minimum, when we change the clocks, and the batteries in the smoke detectors.  Most folks avoid “Spring Cleaning”, both physically and mentally, but most of all emotionally.  We human beings really hate being uncomfortable, and love the comfort that habits give us.  My boys and I were watching the movie “Rain Man” with Dustin Hoffman, and Tom Cruise, the other day.  Ray (played by Dustin Hoffman), is an autistic man, who is a genius with numbers.   He has a set routine, each day, down to the minute.  He has to have his bed near a window, his underwear can only come from K-Mart, the Jello must be green, and he must have pens and a notepad while watching Jeopardy.

Ray’s routine and habits are what some might consider a little extreme, and yet we all cocoon ourselves, in some form or other, to keep us in our comfort zones.  Comfort zones almost always keep us from growing.  That is a big reason why I haven’t worked for one company or stayed in one job for very long.  My longest stay anywhere has been 6 years with any job.  Then I started contracting, and essentially working for myself, leasing my services out, never again becoming an employee.  Even if I’m getting a W-2 for a period of time, I still consider myself self-employed.  I make this distinction because I never want to be comfortable anywhere.  Comfort is not a long term proposition for me, it’s an hour in a puffy chair.  I’ve never grown one bit sitting in a puffy chair, (except my waistline and backside).

Clean house, if you are stagnant, and what you are doing isn’t helping you grow, it has to go.

Boo yah!

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