Never Focus on Your Results

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Never Focus on Your Results



Last night, I was coaching one of my coaches, which obviously is much more intense than coaching a client.  During the call, my high-school aged son overheard me say something to the coach.

 Sight view

As my son and I were saying good night to each other, he stopped me and said, “Hey Dad, that thing you said, it brought a flash of clarity.”

“What thing?”

“When you told the coach on the phone, ‘I never focus on the results, I only focus on doing everything I can do in the process.’”

“Hah, you heard that?”

“Yeah, and it was like something clicked on the inside.  I’m going to do that from now on.”

Wow! You just never know who is listening, and how far reaching your influence goes, positive and negative. (So watch how you carry yourself.)

The take away here is not to focus on results, focus solely on doing everything you need to do to get great results.  If you are trying to get down to a certain weight or clothing size, stop getting on the scale. Just do the diet and the training program.  If you are trying to make your sales numbers, stop looking at the number of sales you have made. Just do more calls, get more proficient with the sales model, polish and refine your delivery.  If you want a better relationship, stop trying to fix the other person.  Just fix you, and how you behave and respond.  If you want better grades in that MBA course you’re taking, stop looking at the grades.  Just do the work, and actually learn the stuff, not just cram for the exam.  If you want to shoot like a Spec Ops operator, stop focusing on the target.  Just focus on the front sight post, and do the mechanics of marksmanship. If you want to be a high school state wrestling champion, eavesdrop on your Mental Toughness Coaching Dad.

This principle can be applied to every area of your life.  I know we are all tempted to get sucked into focusing on the results.  The results are a byproduct of the work you do on the front end.  Focus on the work, and the results will take care of themselves.

Boo Yah!!

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