What, How, and When
If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!I’ve found that over the years, even when I knew where I wanted to go in life, the vision I wanted to achieve, I would…
Be Both
“You maggots are going to be strong or you’re going to be smart!” Senior Drill Instructor Sgt. Dozier – Parris Island, SC Every single time, any one of us United States Marine Corps recruits of platoon 1012, failed to…
Are We There Yet?
“I’m tired of hearing all this talk from people who don’t understand the process of hard work—like little kids in the back seat asking ‘Are we there yet?’” Nick Saban It ain’t easy, if it was, everybody would have…
Love Ya, But I Got A Thing
“Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.” Clement Stone I’m a slow learner. Real slow sometimes. It took me years of coaching clients that ultimately failed to solve their biggest problems, to figure out I shouldn’t have…
What One Can Do, You Can Do
“What one man can do, another can do!” Charles Morse – The Edge My sons and I watched the movie, “The Edge”, with Anthony Hopkins, this past weekend. We watch a lot of movies that help illustrate Mental…
One Rung At A Time
“Do not despise the bottom rungs in the ascent to greatness.” Publilius Syrus Stepping onto the ladder of greatness is a huge decision, but easy enough to make, that many make it and step up on the first rung. …
Never Focus on Your Results
Last night, I was coaching one of my coaches, which obviously is much more intense than coaching a client. During the call, my high-school aged son overheard me say something to the coach. As my son and I were…
DayDream Believer
“The will to do springs from the knowledge that you can do.” James Allen Most folks work hard, very hard. Why then is the middle-class shrinking and losing it’s net worth? Why are so many just plodding through life?…
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