Get To Stepping

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Get To Stepping



“There’s a difference in knowing the path, and walking the path.”

Morpheus – The Matrix

stepping down the yellow brick road

Knowing and Doing are two completely different animals.  The first thing is to find the path, and know it is the one for you. This part will take a while.  It took me years of floundering around not knowing what I truly wanted.  Actually, it was more like “path elimination”.  I would begin down a path, only to discover it wasn’t the path for me.  That happened for years, until I got so sick and tired of one wrong path after another, I decided there had to be a better method.

I found that introspection is the more effective method. I’m not going to sugar coat it, this took a lot of time, mental focus, and emotional energy to actually find deep within myself what exactly would bring me success and fulfillment (read – happiness).  Even with this discovered, I didn’t find the path, I only could see the destination.  I needed others, those who had made it to where I wanted to go, to show me the path, or at least give me directions on how to get there.

As difficult and time consuming as that was, knowing the path doesn’t even get you out of your driveway.   The work hasn’t even started yet.  Discovering the path is vital but walking it out is ten thousand times more difficult than knowing which way to go.  Even with turn by turn directions, the path is filled with potholes, hairpin turns, hazardous road conditions, and a lot of hills (they all seem to go up).

You must know the path before stepping out and walking it, but once you find yours, get going. Even if you don’t know exactly your path, if we are all honest and objective, we each know lots of things we should be doing….but aren’t.  I would encourage you to start doing what know to do, and then take some time to really search within yourself for what will bring you happiness (success and fulfillment).

Once you discover your purpose, find others who have already been to the top and ask directions. (Warning: Don’t give in to the temptation to listen to the directions of anyone who hasn’t arrived at where you want to go, they are guessing.)

Then get to stepping!!

Boo yah!

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