10,000 Rounds On Target

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10,000 Rounds On Target



“The Weekend Warrior practices until he gets it right, the Professional Warrior practices until he can’t get it wrong.”

M.T. – former Seal Team Six member

 Shotgun Jd


My room mate, on my last contract, was a former member of Seal Team Six (as the masses call them), and an instructor at BUDs (the Navy Seal training school).  We were sitting around one evening, doing what all professionals do when they get together, trying to glean anything we could from each other, iron sharpening iron.

I’m sure he got the short end of the stick, I took way more than I gave.  I won’t tell you his name, Secret Squirrel stuff and all, but in the 6 months I lived with him, BOY HOWDY! The cat is old school, and all that experience brings wisdom.  He said the above quote to me that night, I scribbled it down in my notebook, and hit the rack thinking about what he said.

When I showed up at Paris Island Marine Corps Recruit Depot, in the fall of 1985, I had never even touched a firearm, or weapon system of any kind. My Primary Marksmanship Instructor told me that was great news, I wouldn’t have any bad habits to break.  But I’ve got to tell you, I was frightened the first time I pulled the trigger of my M16A2 rifle.  I flinched, and I flinched the second time, and the third.  I don’t remember when it was that I stopped flinching, and pulling the trigger became natural, but I left the Rifle Range an Expert Marksman.

I’m told by top shooters, that you don’t start to get great until you put 10,000 rounds on target; making technique corrections and refinements all along the way.  I’m not great. I have to work extra hard to be proficient, but I stopped getting it wrong, thanks to excellent coaches along the way.

Whatever is making you flinch, whether it be gun fire or prospecting calls, find great leadership and coaching, and practice until you can’t get it wrong.

(10,000 rounds on target)

Boo Yah!

One Comment so far:

  1. […] If you are in the 95%, the only way to gain confidence in these areas is to practice making decisions quickly and then sticking with them, riding out the roller coaster, and continuing to work whatever problems arise.  (See 10,000 Rounds On Target for more details on this concept of practice.) […]

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