Carpe Diem!

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Carpe Diem!



“Don’t be fooled by the calendar.  There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. “

Charles Richards

 Seize the Day


In Horace’s poem, from which today’s title comes, he writes, “Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero – Seize the Day, putting as little trust as possible in the next day/future”.  This is something to think about for a few minutes.  I try to do as much as I can today, in the “now”.  I must constantly remind myself,  do everything I can do today, to get me closer to my vision/goals.  If I don’t, if I start on “Monday”, or “after I get back from vacation”, or “after the kids are out of school”, or “when I can afford it”, my vision/goals will never happen.

I am constantly encouraging my clients, my friends, and my family, to write down what their vision is for their lives, what their goals are.  Most don’t take the time to do it, but it is the first step in seizing the day.  If you don’t know where you want to go, you’ll be contented with activities that occupy your time with entertainment, pleasure, or things that will distract you from the “grind” that your life is “Monday through Friday”.

I have wasted so many years of my life doing this exact thing, and I wish someone had taught me differently.  I know that those folks in my life that have lived this way, they were doing the best they could, and they learned this behavior the same way I did, by the example of our parents, teachers, little league coaches, ministers, scout leaders, etc.  All of these people were good hard working people, that were sincere and well meaning, but let’s face it, “Seize the Day”, isn’t part of the primary school age child’s education.

Here’s an ugly example: My daughter’s third grade class was given a writing assignment, “What I would do if I had a million dollars.” After the children wrote out their visions, filled with trips to Disney World, ponies, Cinderella dresses, and paying for Mommy and Daddy’s houses, the teacher stood in front of the class and told the children, “Rich people are greedy, and you shouldn’t want a million dollars or you will turn greedy just like them.”

It took an hours-long conversation with my daughter to undo that 45-minute class period. How many kids’ parents didn’t take the time to undo it, or how many believe the same thing?   Those children were taught that “Seizing the Day” will turn them into bad people.  No wonder we let day after day slip through our fingers.

Boo Yah!

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