“Hey Look! A Bunny Rabbit!”

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“Hey Look! A Bunny Rabbit!”



“Most people want a lot of things half-heartedly. Decide on your primary goal and mentally prepare yourself for a marathon of effort, failure, and pain to achieve it.”

 Steve Siebold

 Hey Look A Bunny Rabbit

As we move into the New Year, take some time to make a quality decision about what your primary goal for the year will be.  This is the secret to success and fulfillment.  It took me many years to learn this and I wish I would have locked onto this truth sooner in life.

It’s sort of like having the premium TV package with over 200 channels.  In the past, I have found myself surfing through those 200 channels for over an hour.  I couldn’t stop myself from flipping to the next channel, and thinking, “What if something better is on?”

Technology has helped with that somewhat.  Now, I search the guide and only choose what I really want to watch.  I waste less time, and once a choice has been made, I can enjoy it.  So too are our goals.  Choose what you really want to do, what you really want to achieve, and then enjoy it.  Exclude everything else during the effort.

When my kids were little and I wanted to distract them from wanting candy or fast food or sugary cereal, I would point, look, and say, “Hey look, a bunny rabbit!”  It worked until they realized it was just a distraction, diverting their attention from their goal.  We each have our “bunny rabbits” that sidetrack our attention, focus and efforts.  The best way to stay on target is to make that quality decision about what you truly want, and then forsake all “bunny rabbits” until the mission is completed.

Commit to the long haul before you start.  If your goal is a waist size, body fat percentage or fitness level, forsake all the junk food that would deter you.  If your goal is financial, forsake impromptu spending and focus on increased earnings. If your goal is relational, cling to your mate and forsake all others.  If your goal is to be a better person, forsake wasting time, focus on developing yourself and dominating your mind, will and emotions.

Whatever goal you choose, don’t fall for any bunny rabbits!

Boo Yah!

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