15 Thought Filters Used By Peak Performers

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15 Thought Filters Used By Peak Performers



The thoughts we entertain, (i.e. mental house guests) make us or break us, like the Unwanted House Guests from the old Saturday Night Live skits.  If you let negative thoughts set up shop in your brain-housing group, it’s hard to dig them out and get rid of them.  Many times, we don’t even realize our thoughts are negative.  Identifying destructive thoughts is the first step to getting rid of limiting beliefs that hinder our Peak Performance.  Peak Performers actually take the time and mental energy to check out the identity of their thoughts and dump any that don’t push them towards their goals.  Here is the list of 15 that I use to ferret out even the most stealthiest seeds of negativity.  If you find yourself dwelling on any of these categories, RED FLAG IT!!

ADVERSITY- a condition of hardship, anything opposing you, unfriendly, detrimental

AFFLICTION – to be distressed with continued suffering, trouble

CALAMITY – any event causing great suffering, disaster

Peak Performance Thoughts

DISPLEASURE – to be annoyed, confused, outraged

DISTRESS/ANXIETY – worry, anxious, fretting (this is the most preferred destructive thought category, favored by BILLIONS everywhere)

GREAT GRIEF – intense sorrow, tribulation, regret

HARM – injury or loss

HEAVINESS – despondent, burdened, depressed

HURT – pain, wound

ILL FAVOR – can’t stand ya! When you think people don’t like you.

MISERY – suffering, especially as a result of poverty or lack

SADNESS – depressed, miserable, pitiful, dejected

SORROW – distress and pain because of loss

TROUBLE – difficulty, unrest, perplexed, agitated

WRONG – injustice, anything not working properly

 Print out this list, tape it to the refrigerator, the bathroom mirror, next to your office phone, by your computer,  anywhere it might help you to identify the negative assault on your mind. (Hint the news and talk radio love to bombard you with almost everything on this list.  Editors and Producers base most of their content on this list!!)
If you aren’t telling your brain what and how to think, there are plenty of folks out there who will! We have to take responsibility for our thoughts. We can’t keep bad thoughts from coming but we can arrest them and deport them.  Just like you can’t keep birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from making a nest in your hair!
Boo Yah!!

6 Comments so far:

  1. […] « 15 Thought Filters Used By Peak Performers […]

  2. […] constantly allow our airspace to be violated.  Not just by guilt but also by the thoughts from the RED FLAG LIST.  Take an honest assessment of the voices you are listening to, everything from radio, TV, music, […]

  3. […] folks who don’t want to be Peak Performers. So what? Remember, the thoughts that come from the RED FLAG LIST are your personal enemies and anybody who constantly wants you to live on that list is also your […]

  4. […] manage for short durations to run on will power, but will default back to their minds (thoughts, see RED FLAG LIST).  What if you (the user/administrator), went to text your BFF and your phone’s OS thought, […]

  5. […] because I guard my receiver (mind) and the voice of the media is usually things straight off of the RED FLAG LIST of […]

  6. So true, that!
    The left hemisphere of our brain can be a bully. It needs to be “checked” regularly.

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