Forrest Gump It!!

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Forrest Gump It!!



“We could all use a little coaching.  When you’re playing the game, it’s hard to think of everything.” 

 Jim Rohn


I was raised with the example of doing things on your own.  It was seen as weakness to ask others for help, on the one hand.  On the other hand, the attitude that others weren’t doing it as good as you were, they needed the coaching.  The ones that were already leading the field were seen as “sell outs” or “compromisers”.  It all really boiled down to pride, ego, and arrogance.  The implied thought was, “No one is a good as I am, and even if they are more successful, they got there illicitly.”

This level of thinking runs rampant within the ranks of the mediocre.  And it took me years to dig out those beliefs.  Now a days, I just Forrest Gump stuff.

“Run Forrest, run!”

“And after 5 years of playing football, I got a college de-gree from Ala-Bama.”


 “Gump, why did you put that rifle together so quickly?!”  

“You told me to, Drill Sergeant!”

“I’d make you an officer, if it wasn’t a waste of a good enlisted man!”


“Gump, if you want to be good at ping-pong, just keep your eye on the ball.”

“Okay,” replied the soon-to-be world ping-pong champion.


Find a good coach,  then listen to them.  Stop with the push-back! Just do what they tell you to do.  Forrest Gump it!


Boo Yah!

2 Comments so far:

  1. Wiz Withers says:

    Andrew –

    The most important part of this post is in the last paragraph: “Find a good coach.” The only thing worse than not being coachable – is following the wrong coach. Due diligence is required here!

    Then: “When you have a teacher you trust – you have to trust the teacher.”


    • Andrew Wittman says:

      So true, Wiz!! It’s easier to play catch up, by taking the time to find the right coach, than it is to play clean up, after the mess wrong coaching makes. Could be a future blog post here. Thanks so much, Boo Yah!

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