No MOCKERS Allowed

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No MOCKERS Allowed



“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

Mark Twain


No Mockers Allowed


Guarding yourself from the folks that belittle your ambitions is a key to becoming a Peak Performer and achieving your dream.  It starts out subtly, those around you, friends and family, make a couple of wise cracks about others who have big dreams.  Soon enough, those “jokes” about others keep you from expressing your dreams, or you might suffer the same ridicule.  Not long after that, you stop daring to even have a dream at all.  We all have experienced the pain of a cutting remark from a family member, friend, teacher, coach, supervisor, or even a bully.  Unfortunately, many times we internalize the remark and begin to believe it to be true.

If you haven’t seen the movie “Throw Mama From the Train”, YouTube it and watch a few clips of Owen’s mother constantly berating him.  Sure, it’s a little overdone in Hollywood fashion, but we all know the effects of this type of disparagement.

Here’s the solution: WALK AWAY! I know that might sound harsh or drastic, but it must be done in order for you to ever become great.  If the “belittler” is a family member, love them, just love them from a distance.  Put a fence around your heart, guard it like your life depends on it, because it does.  I shut down any relationship that negatively impacts my future.  I am vigilant to keep my airspace pushed out and refused to allow naysayers to violate that airspace.  (CLICK HERE for more on this subject).

I might not win a popularity contest with those folks, but I rate pretty high with my wife and kids, who reap the benefits of me being a Peak Performer.  And really, that’s who is important, I don’t give a rip about those who scorn my ambitions and dreams.  No offense, I mean that in the most nicest possible way.

Boo Yah!

One Comment so far:

  1. […] Yesterday, I wrote about guarding your heart from naysayers, belittlers, and mockers.  Today, it’s the flip side of the same coin.  First purge your life of the dregs that are keeping you down and then fill that vacuum with folks that are where you want to be.  When I was a young Lance Corporal, in the Marine Corps, I would hang out with the senior Corporals.  Once I was promoted to Corporal, I ran with the Sergeants and Staff Sergeants.  Once I made Sergeant, I would hang around Captains and Majors.  I’ve followed that pattern my entire life, but I really started upping the game once I became a federal agent.  I had the opportunity to be around the nation’s political leaders, and because of those associations, I was able to be around heads of state, the top thinker in the country, the top business minds, the top artists, story tellers and musicians,  and the top military minds and strategic thinkers.  I was like a sponge soaking up as much as I possibly could.  I did a lot of listening, spoke only when spoken to, and only offered my opinion when asked for it. […]

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