Problem Solving Formula: 3 Simple Steps

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Problem Solving Formula: 3 Simple Steps



As a consultant/coach, clients hire me to help them solve the problems they are having a difficult time solving on their own.  I follow this 3 step formula every single time, without fail.  It might be old school, it might seem simple, but it works and produces results.  Buckle Up!!


3 step problem solving formula

1. Awareness/Understanding:  The first thing I do is sit down with a client and take an honest assessment of the problem.  They may have several problems, so I like to start with the biggest or most pressing, (then apply the formula to any problems left over, one by one).  I spend the most time of the 3 steps on this first one.  The client must first be aware they have a problem and then understand it.  This isn’t as easy as it sounds.  Many times clients confuse the symptom with the root cause.  An example would be one of my weight loss clients.  They often think being overweight is the problem.  It ISN’T! That is the symptom, the true cause of the problem is that more calories have been going into the body than are being expended.  (Same goes for sales reps not reaching their quota or home-based business owners who aren’t growing their organization, these things are symptoms, look for the root cause.)


2. Exploration of Solutions:  Once we truly understand the problem, it’s time to explore the vast array of solutions out there.  I help clients explore every solution option we can find. We even look at solutions that have been tried before and drill down as to why it didn’t work.  Back to the weight loss client example, some people have tried various types of diets that didn’t work.  Maybe No-Carb didn’t work.  The vast majority of the time, this works for the short term and then…..Boom! The client didn’t know that the body must have carbs to function properly in the long term.  So we may explore a more balanced approach.  Maybe look at adding in an exercise program or a combination of several things.  Take your time here, not every solution will work for every person.  Life ain’t a cookie cutter.


3. Execution:  Choose a solution that works best for you (that you can stick with), and then execute it…..that is, “DO IT”! That’s why you have to spend time choosing the right solution, the one you can do, the one you can live with day in and day out, until the problem is solved.


The technical terms for this problem solving process are Cognition, Divergence, and Convergence, but I’m not that high speed, Understand, Explore, and Execute, is easier for me to grab onto.


If you aren’t applying this formula to your problems you’re flying blind and just floating through life like the feather on Forrest Gump.  Sign up for the newsletter and as always, I’m here to help you. If you are stuck, give me a holler and I’ll roll up my sleeves with you and together we’ll figure it out, or at least find someone who can!


Boo Yah!!

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