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“I eat a tiny breakfast and I don’t eat lunch during the week, I want to stay hungry while I’m working.”

Tony Goins

Stay Hungry


I had the privilege of having dinner with one of the greatest Peak Performers in the business world today.  To say he is amazing, is an understatement.  This guy is awe inspiring, a wonder to behold.  He graciously shared 4 hours of his (normally 18-hour) workday with me, which turned his day, into a 22-hour affair.  I soaked up every second, and took in as much as I could.  He’s a C-Level guy in the financial world. Holy SMOKES, he was moving at the speed of light!!

Within the first 3 minutes after meeting him, I knew he was a Marine.  Dude did more in 4 years than most branches of service do in a decade! (Hah! Okay, a little over the top, but not by much.)  Best of all, he’s a grunt (infantryman, machine gunner, actually).  He took a four-year enlistment, (that’s right, an enlisted man) and launched himself into the stratosphere, by taking the Mental Toughness principles taught in the Corps, and applying them to the financial business world.

He keeps himself physically hungry, in order to stay mentally hungry, which increases his level of performance. Skipping lunch is just one of many little things he does to give himself an edge over the competition.  No wonder he’s at the C-Level.  While his peers (not really) are trying not to fall asleep after a “lunch meeting” filled with heavy foods, he’s taking care of business, and making stuff happen.

Most folks would never even think about giving up their lunch, let alone, give it up to increase their performance level for their company. (“I already work a lot of hours I don’t get paid for!”)  Of course, this is the same group that complains the promotion process isn’t fair, or the performers like my friend, “got lucky”, or “played politics better”.

Not so, the Peak Performers STAY HUNGRY.

Boo Yah!!

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