DeFrag Yourself: The 3 Parts of You

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DeFrag Yourself: The 3 Parts of You



We defragment our computers in order to optimize them, i.e. get them running at Peak Performance!! Time to optimize ourselves and get up to Peak Performance.


Most people I know don’t realize they need to defrag themselves, let alone how to, where to start, or even that every human being is a 3-part being.  We may give lip service to that fact with sayings about “Body, Soul, and Spirit” but beyond that….nothing.

Defrag Yourself Peak Performance Training


We all are made up of these three components:


  1. Body  (our flesh, blood, bone, and tissue)
  2. Soul   (our mind, will, and emotions)
  3. Spirit  (the REAL YOU)


Duh, Andrew! I know it sounds basic, and it is, but let’s think on these things for a moment or two.  We are built a lot like our favorite device (desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone); we live in a body (the hardware or outer shell), have a soul (the OS, software, and apps), and we are spirit (the user/administrator).


Most of the people I have coached over the years had no idea that they were in charge of their bodies, not the other way around.  Most of us are dominated by our bodies, we eat whenever and whatever our bodies want, sleep when our bodies want, exercise (or mostly not) when our bodies want, etc.  What if your phone only charged its battery when the case wanted to; or powered up, not when you (the user/administrator), hit the button, but whenever the screen wanted to? RIDICULOUS, you say! Exactly.


Most of us, if we do get past our body’s total dominance, are driven by our emotions.  Those who are more advanced actually manage for short durations to run on will power, but will default back to their minds (thoughts, see RED FLAG LIST).  What if you (the user/administrator), went to text your BFF and your phone’s OS thought, “Yeah, I feel like some music instead,” and then just to spite you, it launched the Engelbert Humperdinck Pandora Channel?  (Read – call in sick to work because your soul (OS) thinks, “Yeah, I don’t feel like it,” and watch Jerry Springer instead.)


Time to defragment both the hardware and the software and take over the both of them.  You, (the REAL YOU, your spirit) needs to be dominant. If your spirit isn’t running the show (your life), chances are pretty high that the system is going to crash sooner rather than later, and it may already have.  Don’t fret, don’t feel bad about it, just fix it.  If your lawn mower didn’t start because the spark plug was bad, you wouldn’t feel bad about it, you would just fix it.  Let’s just replace some spark plugs.  A good start is to subscribe to the Newsletter! (I’m just saying.)

 Boo Yah!!

4 Comments so far:

  1. […] « DeFrag Yourself: The 3 Parts of You […]

  2. […] We’ve been exploring the idea of your spirit (the REAL YOU, the user/administrator) dominating your body (flesh) and your soul (mind, will and emotions). (See the blog post: DeFrag Yourself). […]

  3. […] Health is about our identity.  Your spirit is the real you (the administrator – click here for a refresher).  You are not your resume.   People try to identify others by the job they do, (e.g. “That […]

  4. […] The ancient Greek Olympians were some of the first Peak Performers, blazing the trail for each of us who utilize their Mental Toughness Techniques.  They understood that they were a 3 Part Being (See DeFrag Yourself). […]

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