Mind/Mouth Connection

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Mind/Mouth Connection




We’ve been exploring the thought process of Peak Performers by categorizing thoughts into a Positive (Green Flag) List and a Negative (Red Flag) List.  We know that we must replace Red Flag thoughts with thoughts that are Green Flag, but that is easier said than done.  Literally! No, seriously, it is easier to direct your thoughts by “saying” or using your mouth to control and guide your thoughts.


Let me illustrate with an experiment.  Begin counting backwards in your head, starting at 999.  Ready, set, go……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Chattering teethWhen you spoke your name, what happened to your backward counting? What number did you stop on?  The point is you had to stop the train of thought of counting backwards when you spoke out loud.

There is a mind/mouth connection wired into all human beings.  If you know about this connection, you can then begin to use it to your advantage.  If you physically force yourself to speak, to say out loud, thoughts based on the Green Flag List, you can control and guide your thoughts in the same way that Peak Performers do.  Concentrate all of your conversations on the Green Flags.  Whenever a RED FLAG thought pops up, make an effort to speak out loud something on the GREEN FLAG List.  Here it is again:


BEAUTIFUL – attractive, exquisite, fair, handsome, lovely, pretty

BOUNTIFUL – abundance, ample, plentiful, substantial

BETTER – bigger, faster, stronger

CHEERFUL/GLAD – light-hearted, willing

AT EASE – relaxed, unworried, unembarrassed

WELL FAVORED – to be treated with partiality, even when it’s unfair to others

HAPPY WELFARE – health and prosperity

LOVING – expressing goodwill and affection

KIND/USEFUL- helpful

PLEASING/PLEASURE- delighted, satisfied

SWEET – rich, productive, possesses winning qualities

READY- available for immediate use

PROSPERITY/WEALTH – success, great abundance, riches far greater than riches

PRECIOUS/HIGH VALUE – highly priced, of great worth, excellence

FINEST/BEST – excellent, elegant, refined, pure, (like gold and silver)


It takes awareness and energy but Peak Performance through Mental Toughness is work.  Green Flagging pays a huge return on your investment though, so Cowboy Up and Stick With It!! It’s not Positive Thinking, it is speaking out loud the thoughts that eradicate limiting beliefs.  This is the first step, it is foundational, but it must be mastered before going on to Peak Performance.


Go forth and speak RED FLAGS NO MORE!!


Boo Yah!

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